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Writer's pictureHollyn

Happy Birthday Hollyn!

Welcome back to Handmade Happiness. After a fairly long haitus, I am back and ready to continue this journey. I thought it was fitting to start back with my birthday post. Since it has been so long, I wanted to share some fun facts about me... 23 to be exact because today is my 23rd birthday!

Lets just jump right into this

I LOVE spring time. Warmer weather, sunshine, and fresh flowers. It really makes my heart sing.

I love getting flowers. Just recently I picked out a new succulent and named her Penelope. Flowers just bring sunshine into your day.

Along with Spring time, I love driving with the sunroof open. Spring and sunroofs go perfect together.

I love planning parties and events. I love that I can bring people together to celebrate the wonders of life.

I will be graduating in May with a degree in Recreation Administration, so the next step will be party planning.

I love soda and shopping trips with my sister. Basically just spending time with her is great.

I love making things on my Cricut. My Cricut has held a special place in my heart since I got it.

I am the youngest of 4 kids and I love my family. We have a lot of fun together.

I love traveling and the sense of adventure it brings.

I love cozy casual mornings at home watching a show with a good drink. My go to is usually a chocolate premier protein or Sprite with blackberry.

I love listening to classic rock. My favorites as of lately have been Journey, John Mellencamp, and a little of Aerosmith. I was raised on rock and will always stay true to that.

I love enjoying food. As of lately I have started considering myself a “foodie” Some of my favorites are homemade pizza, Five Guys burgers and fries, chocolate cake and fresh fruit. I have loved charcuterie boards too!

I love baking (you already know that) and making chocolate chip cookies. They are perfect warm and gooey. My special ingredient is always Guittard chocolate chips.

I love love wearing LuluLemon Pants. So if you see me wearing them, you know its a good day. I save them for special days because I can’t wear them every day.

I love sandal season. My heart gets so happy when I can start wearing sandals again. My favorite sandals are usually my Birkenstocks!

I love shoes in general. Some of my favorites are my leopard Rothys. Fun fact: they are made from recycled water bottles!

I love decorating! Some of my favorite things to decorate with are buffalo check, mint accents and gold! I love love gold! I also love cheetah print. Give me anything cheetah print and I'm content!

I love face timing my mom and talking with her. Its usually a daily occurrence with laughter, advice and just love!

I love playing and snuggling with dogs. Bodie and Maverick are some of the cutest!

I love hair accessories like clips or hair scarves. I wear something like that most days.

I used to be afraid of the car wash, but I am learning to override that by getting the car cleaned and fresh again. Now going to the car wash has become very satisfying.

Since working activities at an assisted living twice, I have learned to love playing bingo and I want to implement it in my regular life. So, I will be playing bingo at my birthday party and I am thrilled!

I am working on bettering myself and understanding myself more and more everyday. I look forward to growth and optimism in my future and I am excited to see what 23 brings!

Thanks for stopping by today to celebrate. I am excited to see what this next year brings and keep celebrating the joys of every day life. Don't forget to keep making happiness and have a great day.


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